To ensure that your accepted paper will be included in the proceedings of the IEEE World Forum on Public Safety Technology (WF-PST), please follow the instructions below and make sure that the camera-ready version of your paper is submitted via CPS by DATE TBD.   Moreover, author registration is only possible by DATE TBD.  

Step 1: Prepare the camera-ready version of your paper

All final submissions have to comply with IEEE’s formatting guidelines. Please use the Standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX or Microsoft Word, which are found here. Papers must be written using the IEEE conference proceedings style format (two-column and 10-point font).

Camera-ready papers should not exceed six (6) pages for full papers, four (4) pages for short papers, and one (1) page for demos/posters without incurring additional page charges. Maximum 1 additional page with over-length page charges can be purchased only for full and short papers (not for demos/posters). For accepted demos and posters, authors will finalize and upload an abstract of 1 page (without any figures/tables), using the IEEE conference proceedings style format (same with accepted papers), that will be submitted for inclusion to IEEEXplore.

CPS allows you to upload manuscripts up to a length that includes the additional page (e.g., up to 7 pages for full papers and up to 5 pages for short papers), but if the over-length charges are not paid, you will be asked to submit a camera ready file that adheres to the page limits mentioned above.

Step 2: Produce an IEEE PDF eXpress®-certified document 

You need to check the compatibility of your PDF file using IEEE PDF eXpress®:

Visit the Author Submission website.
Create an account for this conference, if you do not already have one, enter the following conference ID: TBD 
Select “Create a new title” and enter the title of your paper.
Upload your camera-ready file.
You will soon receive an email confirming that your IEEE PDF eXpress®-certified file is ready. A link to access this file is included in this email. You can also access it via your IEEE PDF eXpress® Dashboard. Download this file, since you will have to upload it to CPS. 

Step 3: Sign the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF)

Prior to uploading your final manuscript, it is necessary to fill in and submit the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form. Alternatively, you will be prompted to first fill in the copyright form when attempting to upload your camera-ready file.
You will then be redirected to the IEEE eCF website, where you will be asked to provide some information about your paper in several steps. Once the copyright form has been successfully recorded, you will receive a confirmation email.

Step 4: Upload the PDF eXpress®-certified paper to CPS

Upload the IEEE PDF eXpress®-certified camera-ready file by DATE TBD.  

Please note: To be published in the IEEE WF-PST Conference Proceedings and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper/demo/poster is required to register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter arranged in advance of the event and who is qualified both to present and answer questions. Accepted demos and posters can be presented in the conference if the authors would like to do so (it is not essential). Registration fees are non-refundable. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to three papers (or a paper and a demo/poster). Registration information is available here. The author registration closes on DATE TBD.